Poem for times of trouble

I found this on my Facebook page today:


We who were once far off,9994-sunrise-at-orvieto-umbria-italy-free-landscape-and-scenic-desktop_531x331
who wandered as if
in a wilderness,
searching for water,
desperate for shade,
now rest in your embrace,
feast on your word,
drink from a well
that will never run dry,
and have found the place
we were searching for,
as Christ has brought us home.

Sparing a thought for those in peril..

During the British National Suicide Prevention week spare a thought and a prayer for those who suffer so badly they would take their own life.



Can you ever forget this story?

This is one of the most memorable stories  I have ever heard! It comes in Katheleen O’Sullivan’s superb book Light out of Darkness in a chapter on A listening experience:

christmas-332When I began to write about ‘listening’ I felt urged in prayer to go out among the people and listen. I went into a fish-and-chip shop. The space was very limited. It was a bitterly cold day. Perhaps the cold made us a pretty soulless group of people. I was trying to listen. There seemed to be little communication between us. I smiled at a little girl who was splashing vinegar on her chips. For a moment, her mother half looked and half smiled at me. We were there seemingly for one purpose only, to get our food, to get home and be comfortable. I felt depressed as I listened.

Suddenly I became aware of a change in the atmosphere. Continue reading

Dealing with mixed feelings


Luke 19.28-40a150

Tell me – how many cheers do you give today. And that the answer to that depends on whither you greet this morning with unalloyed joy or with mixed feelings. Certainly Christ greeted the Jerusalem crowd with the latter. As a result, our lesson this morning speak volumes for many of us here – many also who are just out there – many who have mixed feelings about entering. Continue reading

How you can get a Life co-pilot

It’s amazing the old computer discs that we all have lying around! Faced with a bitter snowy day, I looked out an rally car simulator from 2000. Now I have to say, I had never got this program to run properly but this time I did.Alpine countryside As a result I spent the afternoon happily rallying up a sun drenched French mountain. Don’t you just love computer simulators for allowing us to do what we cannot afford to do in real life!

Yet real life is no simulation. Continue reading

Days that changed the world

A prayer for the Church

A prayer for the Church in troubled times

Lord, your Church is like a ship all at sea

It is at once beset with the storms of controversy

yet surrounded by the drowning waters of disinterest.

Be then a light ahead to guide us

a commanding presence walking through the apathy

and an inspiring voice stilling the storm

encouraging your disciples

and taking the helm until we reach again

safer shores.


Prayer for music

What music makes our hearts sing?

What music opens us up inside?

What music enables friendship for us

We do not know

Yet we recognise it when it is there

And when it is here.

Let us pray

Living God,

You are the creator

Indeed you are the very first artist

The first writer and the first composer.

For, Lord you are the craftsman

who shaped each of us wonderfully

Shaped this church beautifully

And you shaped the world around us


Therefore we pray for ourselves, our Church family

And the Christian community across the globe.

May it be a welcoming place for all

So that in word, song and music

We may know your son’s companionship

We may know the joy of worshipping you

And we may know your power and glory and love

In everything we do.


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